FNF Indonesia Joins the German Unity Day Celebration 2023

gud 2023

Project Director FNF Indonesia, Dr. Stefan Diederich with FNF Indonesia staff.

October 3rd is the day when Germany commemorates the reunification of Germany in 1990, popularly known and celebrated as the German Unity Day or Tag der Deutschen Einheit.

This year, the German Embassy to Indonesia celebrated the October 3rd at Grand Ballroom Kempinski, Jakarta and once again invited Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom Indonesia. FNF Indonesia, with other Stiftungen (political foundations), took the opportunity to set up an engaging booth where we proudly displayed our extensive portfolio of work, publications, and merchandise. The response from the attendees at the reception was nothing short of exhilarating. Guests exhibited a genuine enthusiasm for the foundation's activities, leading to a lively exchange of questions and an eagerness to take home copies of our publications.

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The atmosphere of the evening was vibrant and celebratory, with a diverse mix of individuals coming together to honor this momentous occasion. Attendees had the pleasure of indulging in an array of authentic German culinary delights and, of course, savoring traditional German beers, adding a delightful touch to the festivities.

German Unity Day is a reminder of the peaceful reunification of Germany, the end of the Cold War era, and the reunification of families and friends separated for decades. It underscores the values of freedom, democracy, and unity that are central to modern Germany's identity. And here at FNF, we strive to continue upholding those values via our work in Indonesia. Let’s continue to fight for freedom! Für die Freiheit!