(11.09.2024) Report Launch: Grand Challenges for Europe in 2050

© picture alliance / Sven Simon | FrankHoermann/SVEN SIMON


12:00 Registration

12:10 Welcome by Jules Maaten, Regional Director, FNF Europe

12:15 Grand Challenges for Europe 2050 - Report Presentation by Josef Lentsch, Political Entrepreneur and Author of "Political Entrepreneurship"

13:00 Networking Lunch


At the end of the first quarter of the 21st century, Europe is in what has been called a "polycrisis": War has returned to Europe, with no realistic prospect of ending soon. Europe is a rapidly warming continent, a crisis with even less perspective of being resolved in the years to come. Europe is an ageing and a shrinking continent, which significantly affects the European economy. Economic insecurity, fears of losing social status, perceptions of excessive inequality and distrust of politics lead to more and more people voting for the far right.

FNF’s Grand Challenges for Europe 2050 Report aims to provide a human-centred horizon scan of Europe in 2050. The report identifies and addresses challenges faced by individuals of different age groups in 2050. It highlights the interconnected challenges of transitioning to a future state, emphasising the broad perspective needed.

Join us as political entrepreneur and author of the report, Josef Lentsch, presents his key findings and exchange with liberal minds about the grand challenges ahead on Europe’s road to 2050.


The European Dialogue Programme of the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom in Brussels presents Project Europe 2050 as the innovation platform for a liberal Europe.

Our concept is centred on a vision of an inclusive, globalized Europe for citizens. With our effort, we want to encourage sustainability in all facets of society. We focus on creative approaches to managing resources, energy, and climate change. We also want to build a Europe of citizens that represents and benefits everyone by looking at fresh programs and regulations that promote increased inclusion, equality, and social justice. Lastly, the goal of our effort is to advance a global Europe that is inspiring to all.


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to Sahra Lissek at


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