A job for freedom
We offer entry opportunities for pupils, students, graduates and experienced professionals.
A job for freedom.
The Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom is an attractive employer. Nearly 260 full-time employees work for freedom in Germany and abroad - in addition to many project staff members all over the world.
Unsere Benefits
Wir zahlen Ihnen ein Gehalt nach Tarifvertrag des öffentlichen Dienstes (TVöD) Bund, zzgl. Jahressonderzahlung und Leistungsentgelt, betrieblicher Altersvorsorge und vermögenswirksamer Leistungen sowie einen Zuschuss zum Jobticket von 15 EUR / Monat. Über Corporate Benefits erhalten Sie zudem die Möglichkeit, Technik, Mode, Möbel und vieles mehr zu reduzierten Preisen einzukaufen.
Flexible Arbeitszeitmodelle sind für uns ebenso selbstverständlich wie die Möglichkeit, mobil zu arbeiten – die passende moderne IT-Ausstattung erhalten Sie selbstverständlich von uns. Wir bieten Ihnen außerdem 30 Urlaubstage – der24. und 31.12. sind zusätzlich arbeitsfreie Tage.
Ein professionelles Onboarding sichert Ihnen einen unkomplizierten und direkten Einstieg bei uns. Über jährliche Zielvereinbarungsgespräche arbeiten wir gemeinsam an Ihrer fachlichen und persönlichen Weiterentwicklung und stillen außerdem Ihren Wissensdurst: zum Beispiel mit externen Seminaren oder internen Möglichkeiten der Weiterentwicklung, bspw. über die Übernahme von Projekten, die Mitarbeit in Initiativen oder unser Austauschprogramm „Eine Stiftung weltweit“.
Mit Resilienztrainings, Gesundheits-Check-ups sowie Möglichkeiten zur psychologischen Beratung können Sie Ihrer Gesundheit etwas Gutes tun und erhalten im Bedarfsfall Unterstützung.
Werden Sie Teil der Stiftung und arbeiten Sie gemeinsam mit uns an spannenden, innovativen und vielfältigen Bildungsprojekten rund um den Liberalismus.
An Overview of the Departments
Based on the idea of liberalism, the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom offers political education in Germany and around the world. With our events and publications, we help people to become actively involved in political events. Here you will find an overview of the foundation's fields of work.
The central management department covers a wide range of tasks. In this area, goals and priorities of tasks and projects are set in order to ensure coherent management within the Foundation. A further focus of responsibilities is the strategic and thematic management and evaluation of the Foundation's work. The Liberales Institut writes publications, commissions and analyzes studies. The Archive of Liberalism is the historical memory of the Foundation.
The Department of Political Education is responsible for teaching the fundamentals of liberalism and strengthening liberal politics. This involves the preparation, organization and implementation of educational events primarily. Another area of responsibility is the further development of standards in political education. The promotion of talented young people is another field. The selection and intensive support of scholarship holders is the main responsibility here.
The International Department coordinates the Foundation's work abroad and its representation worldwide. Planning and organizing regional projects are, among other things, an exciting field of activity. In the Global Issues section, contributions from the offices abroad are compiled and overarching topics are further developed.
The Communications Department develops concepts for marketing the Foundation for Freedom in Public Life. Various communication formats and campaigns are implemented based on the individual thematic priorities. This department is also responsible for all of the foundation's analogue and digital communication in Germany. Besides, the press and communications work of the offices abroad is supported.
The Department of Research and Political Strategy is the generator of ideas for the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom. The department includes the Liberal Institute, the Department of Global Issues, the Scholarship Division and the Archive of Liberalism. The experts write analyses, expert opinions, studies, publications and recommendations for action for national, European and international politics and contribute innovative strategies to policy advice. The scholarship programme for talented students promotes personalities and academic talents in all disciplines - during their studies and during their dissertations. The Archive of Liberalism is the Foundation's historical memory.
Point of Contacts
Friedrich Naumann Foundation
Karl-Marx-Straße 2
14482 Potsdam