Latin America
In Latin America we work to promote strong democratic institutions, respect for human rights and rule of law through good governance, and social market economy. as well as promoting liberal dialogue throughout the region. We have offices in Mexico City (Regional Office and Project Mexico), Guatemala City, Guatemala (Central America), Lima, Peru (Andean Countries), and Buenos Aires, Argentina (Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay & Uruguay)
Germany has chosen
Germany elects Friedrich Merz as Chancellor in a historic vote marked by the rise of extremists, economic crisis, and migration debates. Can he ensure stability and lead Europe in uncertain times?
An electoral fraudster as president of Venezuela?
The Venezuelan presidency is scheduled to take office this Friday. The legitimate winner of the election, Edmundo González Urrutia, has announced that he will return to Caracas to take up the mandate that the Venezuelans gave him in the elections. However, the Maduro regime, which is reacting with massive repressive measures, is holding on to power. The weekly column by Karl-Heinz Paqué.
The European Parliament Awards the Sakharov Prize to María Corina Machado and Edmundo González
The European Parliament has awarded the Sakharov Prize to María Corina Machado and Edmundo González. This recognition symbolizes hope and determination in the fight for Venezuela’s freedom against the Maduro regime.
What's Next for Venezuela?
More than a month later, there is no negotiation between the opposition and the regime for a peaceful transition. What’s next for the opposition’s democratic struggle?
Enough of Maduro’s Authoritarian Playbook in Venezuela
On July 28, Venezuela's unified opposition achieved a significant victory despite considerable challenges: Edmundo Gonzalez won the election with 67% of the vote. However, authoritarian ruler Nicolás Maduro refused to recognize his defeat and exacerbated repression. In the face of mounting death tolls and mass arrests, the international community is once again called upon to heed the demands for an end to the dictatorship. The Venezuelan people are crying out for freedom.
Maduro, Step Aside for Democracy in Venezuela
Despite authoritarian pressure, the Venezuelan people voted overwhelmingly for Edmundo González Urrutia and against the dictator Nicolás Maduro. Yet, Maduro refuses to acknowledge his defeat. Liberal opposition leader María Corina Machado has called for global protests. In Berlin, Karl-Heinz Paqué, Chairman of the Friedrich Naumann Foundation, and Deputy President of the Liberal International, urged the international community in a speech to increase pressure on the authoritarian regime to enable a peaceful transition to democracy.
Venezuela's stolen election: The international community must react
The presidential elections in Venezuela have made clear the deep desire for change. Despite massive obstacles and obvious manipulation by the Maduro regime, the overwhelming support of the population shows that the opposition under Edmundo González has won the election. The call for justice and a democratic transition is growing ever louder.