Call for Applications
Alliance Of Her 2023 Academy Autumn Masterclass

Alliance of Her

The Alliance Of Her and our partners, including FNF and De Volkspartij voor Vrijheid en Democratie (VVD), are proud to announce a very special Masterclass based on our highly respected female political empowerment and leadership Academy.

Over three sessions our invite-only Alliance Of Her 2023 Academy ‘Autumn Masterclass’ will be offered to liberal women across Europe with significant political experience and clear, ambitious political goals for 2024. Content in this class will be tailored specifically towards the skills and strategies required to succeed at the highest levels in European and national politics. Participants in our 2023 ‘Autumn’ Academy Class will be will need to be considered as strong contenders by their parties and have a significant level of political experience.

Candidate selection

An ideal class member would include:

  1. Candidates for the European Elections
  2. Candidates for national elections in 2024
  3. Current Members of the European Parliament or National Parliaments seeking re-election
  4. Holders of senior elected office at the regional or city level running for higher office in 2024 or early 2025.
  5. Individuals identified by their party as future party leaders or candidates for high-political office

Participants will also need to commit to attending all sessions:

Session 1: 14-17 September, Domaine de Ronchinne, Belgium (in partnership with FNF)

Session 2: 7-10 December, Amsterdam, The Netherlands (in partnership with VVD)

Session 3 : 22-25 February, Berlin, Germany (TBD and in partnership with FNF)

This format of the Autumn Masterclass will in most ways follow our regular Academy series, consisting of three sessions from Thursday evening until midday Sunday. Participants will gain insights and practical tools from some of the best and most inspiring trainers, and speakers, connect with other liberal women from around Europe, and have the time and space to focus, plan and strategise in an empowering and enabling environment. 

How to nominate a candidate

We invite you to send to as soon as possible the name of your candidate, along with an outline detailing why they would be an ideal member of the Autumn Masterclass. The outline should include what upcoming elections the candidate intends to contest. Other supporting documentation, such as a CV or recommendation from a senior party member is recommended.

Masterclass members will be exempt from the usual compliance rules that govern AOH given that funding for the class is provided fully by partners. However, to ensure we can deliver the same Alliance Of Her Academy experience to participants, parties will need to support their candidates by covering the cost of travel from their home country to the Academy sessions (Brussels, Amsterdam, Berlin). We will also be limiting the class size to 18.

You are also encouraged to directly share this email with any current Member of the European Parliament or Member of your National Parliament that may be interested in joining the class. They are welcome to apply directly.

Once we receive and can validate nominations, we will send formal invitations to successful candidates directly.

The Alliance of Her is a brand associated with the ALDE Party. However, it is important to note that the ALDE Party is not financially involved in the organization of the Alliance of Her Autumn Masterclass. The Alliance of Her Autumn Masterclass operates independently and assumes full responsibility for its actions, initiatives, and financial matters. The ALDE Party is not liable for any aspects related to the organization or financial commitments of the Alliance of Her Autumn Masterclass and the Bulgaria Academy Series