FNF-Sejong Roundtable with Théo Clement

fnf korea

On June 20th, the Sejong Institute and the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom hosted an expert roundtable with Dr. Théo Clement, Research Associate at King’s College London, and experts from the Sejong Institute.

After warm welcoming remarks by Sejong President Paik Haksoon and FNF Korea Head of Office, Dr. Christian Taaks, Dr. Théo Clement gave a presentation about the current economic relations between China and the DPRK. He pointed out the difficulty to bring together the interests of the DPRK and China and stated that economic relations remain mostly in the trade field or simple division of labor, rather than larger scales of investment.

Following the input, the experts of Sejong Instiute, Cheong Seong-chang, Choi Eun-joo and Chung Jae-heung shared their views and interesting discussions followed. Especially with the visit of Xi Jinping to Pyongyang, this timely expert round table offered a great opportunity to share insights and various perspectives on the potential future of DPRK-China economic relations.

We thank Dr. Théo Clement and our friends at Sejong Insitute for the great and very fruitful roundtable discussion and we are looking forward to future opportunities to work together again.

fnf korea