AHLN Network Launched its first Regional Conference on Freedom


Amman, May 23, 2024 – Today marked a significant milestone in the pursuit of freedom in the MENA region as the Al Hurriya Liberal Network (AHLN) hosted its first regional conference on freedom under the esteemed patronage of Dr. Khalil Al-Abdallat, Director of the Human Rights Unit at the Jordanian Prime Ministry. The conference, titled "Empowering the MENA Region’s Civil Society: Principles and Tools of Freedom," was held in collaboration with the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom - FNF MENA, VVD, and SILC.

The event aimed to enhance the principles of freedom across the MENA region by fostering dialogue among key stakeholders, including experts, activists, decision-makers, members of parliaments, youth, journalists, and civil society members.


Dr. Abdallat emphasized Jordan's strategic location and its role in establishing a global model, underscoring the importance of partnerships, modernizing political and economic systems, and adopting a human rights-based approach. He commended civil society institutions as essential contributors to decision-making in Jordan. Under the leadership of His Majesty King Abdullah II and His Highness the Crown Prince, Jordan remains committed to consolidating democracy, freedom, and social justice, positioning itself as a model in the Arab region and beyond.

Jörg Dehnert, Regional Director for the Middle East and North Africa at the Friedrich Naumann Foundation, described the Foundation as a liberal organization dedicated to promoting freedom, democracy, human rights, the rule of law, market economy, and globalization in the region. Dehnert highlighted the Foundation's efforts in empowering women, promoting human rights, and strengthening the market economy across its offices in Rabat, Tunis, Jerusalem, Beirut, Cairo, and Amman, with a primary focus on youth.


Mirna Mneimneh, President of the Al Hurriya Liberal Network (AHLN), stated that the conference is a crucial step in educating young people in the Middle East and North Africa about basic freedoms and human rights, addressing the challenges they face. She noted that the network aims to equip them with the necessary tools to implement the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda in their countries and the region.
Mneimneh emphasized the conference's focus on women's roles in political, electoral, and societal fields, the challenges they encounter, and ways to overcome them. 

She mentioned the launch of the WOMENA initiative in politics, "From Motivation to Power," as one of the network’s significant achievements. She expressed the network's intention to hold more purposeful conferences and workshops, appreciating Jordan's efforts in hosting the network’s work and its continued support.


Sandra Fors, Middle East and North Africa Program Officer at Liberal International, commended Jordan's efforts in promoting freedoms and hosting the conference, viewing it as an opportunity to achieve development and justice goals. She praised the Human Rights Unit's commitment to advancing its human rights tools.



The AHLN's inaugural regional conference on freedom represents a crucial step towards empowering civil society in the MENA region. By fostering dialogue and collaboration among diverse stakeholders, the event aims to pave the way for a more open and free society. As the MENA region continues to navigate its complex landscape of challenges and opportunities, the insights and strategies developed during this conference will be instrumental in advancing the principles of freedom and liberal values.

Stay tuned for the next article with insightful outcomes from the conference.