Call for Expert

FNF Myanmar

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For The Development of the 2019-2030 National Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise Development Master Plan for Myanmar

1. Summary

The Friedrich Naumann Foundation (FNF) seeks an expert for the finalization of the 2019-2030 National MSME Development Master Plan for the Republic of the Union of Myanmar.

2. Background and Rationale

The Friedrich Naumann Foundation (FNF) is a German liberal foundation that promotes rule of law, human rights and economic freedom in Germany as well as in more than 65 countries around the world. Under its economic freedom programme, FNF collaborates with the Department of Small and Medium Enterprise Development of the Ministry of Industry to promote capacity development of SMEs as well as government officials. In addition, FNF has supported the drafting of the SME Law, Policy and By-law and SME development strategies for States and Regions such as Chin State, Magway and Ayeyarwaddy Regions.

3. Purpose

The overall purpose of this project is to finalize the National MSME Development Master Plan (2019 – 2030). The role of the international expert will be to finalize the current draft which has been developed by two international experts. The MSME Master Plan aims to address key issues and challenges, improve competitiveness of Myanmar MSMEs and accelerate the development of MSMEs in Myanmar.

4. Tasks

The consultant shall accomplish the following tasks:

 To analyze the current draft and add additional expertise and recommendations to it.

 To cross-check the masterplan with other related studies as well as national plans and if necessary, to harmonize or provide linkages between relevant actions.

 To present the masterplan to the national stakeholders at the Validation workshop, collect feedback and incorporate them to the masterplan as necessary.

 To finalize the MSME Development Masterplan after getting follow up comments and inputs from the Ministry of Industry, other stakeholders and FNF Myanmar.

5. Deliverables and Deadlines

The contractor is responsible to prepare the following deliverables on or prior to such deadlines specified below:



Deadline for Deliverables


Present immediate feedback to the current draft after one week of the assignment

25th October 2019


Present the revised draft

15th November 2019


Facilitate the Validation workshop

Last week of November 2019


Finalization of the report

December 2019


6. Terms of Payment

For the above-mentioned assignments, FNF will make payment as below of the total honorarium based on the contractor’s proposal.

 The first 30% payment will be made upon the completion of the deliverables B.

 The second 30% payment will be made upon the completion of the deliverables C.

 The final 40% payment will be made after completion of the assignment.

All travel (economy class international air-ticket, local transportation for consultant who lives outside Myanmar) and accommodation and travel expenses to Nay Pyi Taw will be borne by FNF. In case of reimbursement, all original receipts and travel documents must be submitted to FNF.

The Contractor is exclusively responsible for his/her obligations vis-à-vis Tax Authorities or any other Authority in any applicable jurisdiction regarding the payment of income tax, value added tax, local taxes or any other taxes/charges as well as regarding any social security obligations generated through this honorarium. It is understood between the two parties that the honorarium is a gross amount. The Contractor shall not claim any additional payment on account of any Value Added Tax or any other applicable sales tax from FNF. Furthermore, the agreed amount is subject to the deduction of withholding tax or any other taxes/charges of a similar nature as may be applicable in any relevant jurisdictions.

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All payments to the contractor shall be subject to the satisfactory completion of the Contractor’s obligations under this Agreement as determined by FNF taking into account the project timelines, constraints and any other relevant circumstances.

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7. Application

This assignment is open to international experts who have extensive experience in the field of MSME development in the ASEAN region and Myanmar. Interested candidates are required to submit a proposal by 15th October 2019 with the following documents to: Ms Biak Hlei Sung,, and Mr Sai Kwan Hsai,

 Detailed CV

 Cover letter highlighting relevant experience to the assignment

 Suggested implementation schedule

 Detailed budget/ fees

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