Digital Courage Award

Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom (FNF) proudly presents the “Digital Courage Award” for Myanmar’s courageous freedom fighters.
Digital Courage Award

Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom (FNF) proudly presents the “Digital Courage Award” for Myanmar’s courageous freedom fighters.

In the past, there were many unsung heroes fighting for rights and freedom of the people in Myanmar. Unknown to the public, they have not received the deserved acknowledgement of and their tales submerged in the tide of history. Mobile technologies have recently increased information access and enabled freedom fighters to reach other people more efficiently. In this way, not only prominent political figures but also normal people have become agents of change in the fight for freedom.

FNF acknowledges the importance of these change agents and the usage of mobile technologies for the transition towards an open society. Therefore, FNF wants to reward their effort and motivate others in their fight for freedom and rights. The Digital Courage Award will be awarded to the most courageous freedom fighters in Myanmar every year

Nomination for the Award

Nominations are accepted by either persons or organizations, but not from the nominee themselves. 

If you know a person who has shown their outstanding courage in the digital sphere or by usage of digital technologies, please send the filled out nomination form to and no later than 29th September 2019.

The nomination can also be submitted by filling out this google form.

Eligibility for nomination

The nominee must be a Myanmar citizen or a Myanmar organization, and the nominee must have done something courageous related to digital spaces.

If a nomination meets the above criteria, it will be considered as an eligible nomination and will enter the screening process.

Selection of the Winner

The eligible nominees will be screened based on below criteria and the winner will be selected. The evaluation will be done by a three components scoring system. - Bravery - Fight for Freedom - Role Model

Once the winner is selected, they will be invited to the award ceremony in November 2019.

The winner will be awarded with a grant equivalent of 2000 US Dollar together with a trophy and a certificate from FNF. The grant money must be used in October and November 2019 to implement an activity to promote freedom on digital space or improving the digital rights in Myanmar.

Contact Information

For more information, please contact Aung Thu Hein +959420122490, or Khin Lutt Latt Tun +959421084558,

  • Digital Courage Award Nomination Form (English)