Humans of Freedom

Especially for most Asian families, parents are not a big fan of art, music or anything that doesn’t have a stable income.
Humans of Freedom

Soe Zarni Tun (Young Artist)

Freedom is the state of being free.

It could be hard sometimes to achieve that especially for young adults like us who are yet to be financially independent and live on our own.

Especially for a 20-year-old, it can be hard to follow our passion at this age. Especially for most Asian families, parents are not a big fan of art, music or anything that doesn’t have a stable income. 

I don’t think they’re wrong. It can be hard to live or survive without proper education and a stable job especially in an undeveloped country where artistry is not much appreciated.

However, without much freedom, most young artists will eventually stop pursuing their dreams despite their talents which is such a shame.

I have yet to find a proper solution for this but I wish every struggling artist the best of luck in following their dreams and live a happy life.