Humans of Freedom

For artists, freedom is the most crucial in life. No freedom, no imagination and no more creativity on art.(Hannay Lwin Lwin (Founder - Academy of Rock Myanmar) (Guitarist and Vocalist - Hannay and the Zens)

When I started to live in Singapore at the age of 17, I felt freedom for the first time without being controlled by my parents. I went to school alone, lived by myself and I think it was all started there to understand the meaning of freedom. Freedom has two parts: emotional freedom and physical freedom. Emotional freedom needs to have peace in mind. And it’s hard for me. It’s like having no negative thoughts. Normally, I am easily emotional so I want emotional freedom more than physical freedom. Physical freedom means I can go wherever I want and talk whatever I want. I don’t need to ask permission for freedom. Though I prefer emotional freedom to physical freedom, I want both freedoms in my life. I want to pass my life happily and peacefully from now on by accomplishing what I really want to do. Now I open a music school so I’m satisfied making music and its related activities. For my mental freedom, I paint. For artists, freedom is the most crucial in life. No freedom, no imagination and no more creativity on art. It’s important not to overthink what others presume and what they judge. Freedom is therefore superb important for artists.