Humans of Freedom

Humans of Freedom
Humans of Freedom

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Myat Thu

(Chair Person )

Yangon School of Political Science

I used to be a political prisoner for being involved in politics. It was the most terrible way to lose freedom.

Freedom of expression was difficult in a previous governing system. Prison life was harsh and prisoners lost freedom in the most terrible experience.

I was sentenced to prison for one month in 1999 and 7 years in 2000. I was lucky to only stay in prison for 2.5 years due to amnesty. In 2008, I was again sentenced to prison for three more years.

Freedom has two parts: individual freedom and individual freedom negotiated between state and society. The state does not involve in any individual freedom, I believe. This has nothing to do with a leftist view.

That’s one point. The state should not make laws to restrict religion and individual belief. Everyone must protect freedom of expression. The society will be more peaceful in that way.

Freedom of expression is very important for the development of society. Freedom of expression can maintain truth in the world so people must respect the value of this freedom.

Political rights concern with society directly. Freedom is the total opposite of laws, which we often mention. Every law restricts freedom. Freedom is legitimate until it affects other people’s life.

Democracy, that we cite usually, refers to liberal democracy. Since the time of Aristotle and Plato, democracy has not been known in a good sense. “Demo” means mob, a majority rule, but does not include the public.

Democracy has to be a liberal democracy in order to fully protect individual freedom in an utmost spirit.