Humans of Freedom

Humans of Freedom
FNF Myanmar

Kyaw Kyaw (Rebel Riot Band)

I looked like a gypsy in the street when I was young. I wanted to take control of my life when I turned into a teenager. I started going against my family’s control over my life. For example, I like black color so much but my family worships animism and carries a superstitious belief that wearing black brings bad luck. Therefore, I couldn’t wear black normally. However, I started wearing black and I think, my love to freedom has started since then. No one likes to be controlled. No bird will feel happy in a cage. Every living creature loves freedom and that’s the universal truth.

I myself don’t like hierarchy, disciplines and oppression. I will say humans have lost freedom since birth. We young people grow up under numerous oppressions. Parents and teachers are obvious powers to control our lives. We are nurtured and disciplined in a family and school system. Yes, it is correct that parents and teachers love us and are kind to us and I accept this truth. However, on the other hand, under the cover of those love and kindness, we lost our control over life. 

I have been living up to my freedom since 17-18. And that’s the most memorable part of my life.

Freedom has two parts: physical freedom and mental freedom. Freedom to express, freedom to think; they are all physical freedoms. Mental freedom goes deeper than that. Mental freedom is achieved when one is free from faiths, beliefs, common sense, etc.. Of course, absolute freedom needs both but physical freedom is a priority. It’s more important.  One needs to break through influence and live independently.

I have enjoyed the taste of freedom since I lived separately from my family. Don’t be mistaken; I do love my family. However, I don’t like their control in the name of love. I don’t like to be restricted when to come back home at night for example. Since I lived on my own, I feel happiness everyday. At the age of 23-24, I live up to my freedom. Of course, life is hard to live on my own. I have to look after myself, making my own income and solving all my problems alone. On the other hand, that’s called “freedom”. Through this experience, I realize life doesn’t stay in a straight line. Everyone experiences both happy and sad things in their lives. There is no one who only encounters absolute happiness or sadness. Therefore, I expect to live a pragmatic life with much physical freedom to shape my own future.