FNF-CLA seminar on Management Innovation

Management Innovation and Desirable Organizational Culture in the Era of Industry 4.0
fnf korea

On June 20, FNF Korea in cooperation with the Center for Local Autonomy at Hanyang University held a seminar on “Management Innovation and Desirable Organizational Culture in the Era of Industry 4.0”. The seminar aims to search for most effective strategies for business innovation by sharing academic research and business experiences.

In his opening remarks, Dr. Christian Taaks, Head of FNF Korea, emphasized the importance of creativity for innovation and courage to tackle challenges from the Industry 4.0.

Prof. Sang-Gil Jeon, Hanyang University presented on how to utilize the brain to cope with the digital transformation successfully. “We need to have a new way of thinking and come out of the conventional boundary of rational thinking, if we want to harness the 4th industrial revolution successfully”, he stressed.

Meanwhile, Oh-Chul Jeon, Director of DYAUTO company shared the case of DYAUTO on its successful innovative corporate culture. He explained some key elements that make his corporate culture successful and desirable. For instance, the company has an excellent performance-based compensation system, which even attracts larger companies to come for benchmark.

The presentations were followed by lively discussions among participants, which allowed them to get an even deeper insight into the topic and to share various field experiences.