Korea Danbeondoyak Forum-Rason Special City, Smart Town Project

fnf korea

The third ‘Korea Danbeondoyak (Leapfrogging) Forum’ on “Rason Special City, Smart Town Project” took place at Community House Masil in myeongdong on June 25. The forum was co-organized by FNF Korea and Ajou Institute of Unification. The forum aims to search for new cooperation model between the South and North Korea, taking the case of Rason city in the North.

Prof. Yoo-hyung Cho, University of Seoul and Jeong-ill Seo, Director of Yeosijae, Future Consensus Institute gave presentations on Smart town Projects for Rason Special City, North Korea. Prof. Cho explained the economic development strategies of Kim Jong-un focusing on the potential strength of Rason city as a North Korea’s growth power. Director Seo presented on the cases of other smart cities that can be applicable to Rason city.

The following discussion was joined by Oleg Kiriyanov, a researcher on China-North Korea relations from Moscow University in the panel. He shared his personal observation on current development in Rason city, showing many pictures he took during his frequent visits to the city for academic research.

FNF is planning to organize a series of forum to identify a new development model for North Korea, together with the Korea Danbeondoyak Network.