Special Lecture at the SNU-Industry 4.0 and Smart Manufacturing: Case of Germany

fnf korea

On October 30th, the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom organized a special lecture at the Graduate School of Public Administration, Seoul National University, about Industry 4.0 and Smart Manufacturing in Germany. Dr. Michael Arnold has been responsible for overseeing PEER Group’s operations since 2003 and currently chairs the European chapter of the SEMI SMART Manufacturing Technology Community.

As an expert in Industry 4.0 and the digital transformation of companies, he gave an excellent overview of the challenges and opportunities of smart manufacturing. He showed a fascinating insight into the developing of Eastern Germany after the reunification. The students who participated came from all over the world and were very interested in how they could develop similar approaches in their home countries. It followed with the positive feedback of the students.

FNF will continue to organize similar special lectures in the upcoming future.