Study Tour to Germany with Water Experts from the DPRK

Study Trip 09/2019

In collaboration with the Association for Technical and Economic Cooperation and the Ministry for Land and Environmental Protection of the DPRK, the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom Korea organized a study tour at the end of September to Germany. Seven water experts from various research institutes and ministries participated in the 12-day trip. The study trip was an extension of the workshop “Sustainable Development Goal No. 6 and Experiences from Germany”, which took place in April in Pyongyang.

Study Trip 09/2019

The itinerary included Berlin, Leipzig, Magdeburg and various field visits in between. The major topic was sustainable water resource management, with a focus on (small-scale) sewage treatment and sustainable river management. During the trip, the invited experts were able to visit various water related institutions and engage in discussions with local experts. Amongst others, the group visited sewage water treatment facilities, water supply companies, water resource management related state agencies and the TU Berlin.

It was a great experience to see how experts from Germany and the DPRK are engaged in discussions as colleagues with the same desire to improve water resource management in their country as well as globally. Despite political and geographical differences, water challenges around the world are growing, especially with the increasing effects of climate change. On both sides, there was a great interest to continue collaborations in the future and exchange ideas of how to improve the sustainable management of water resources.

Study Trip 09/2019

We thank all partners in Germany and in the DPRK who made this trip possible. All institutions and experts in Germany gave us a very warm welcoming and devoted their time for our visit despite their busy schedules. The experts from the DPRK were well prepared and were always actively engaged in discussions with their counterparts.

The study trip was the first since 2014. We hope to organize such study trips frequently in the future and to further collaborate on tackling environmental and water related issues with our partners in the DPRK.