30th anniversary of the cooperation FNF Korea and Hanyang University

30th anniversary of the cooperation FNF Korea and Hanyang University

1987: The Berlin Wall was still standing, Ronald Reagan was US-President and South Korea was just about to start its democratization process. In this important time the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom opened its office in Seoul on the campus of the Hanyang University.

On the occasion of the 30th anniversary of their cooperation FNF Korea and Hanyang University hosted a reception at President Hotel in downtown Seoul. Karl-Heinz Paqué, Deputy Chairman of the Executive Board of FNF, came as a special guest. More than 160 people heard speeches by Kim Chong-yang, Chairman of the Hanyang Foundation, MP Hong Ik-pyo, Hanyang Alumni, and Weert Börner, Deputy Head of the German Embassy. With a great view over Seoul from the 31. Floor plaques of appreciation were exchanged, a giant cake was cut and a loud toast was jointly proposed by Mr. Paqué and Mr. Kim.

30th anniversary of the cooperation FNF Korea and Hanyang University

Korea and the world has changed a lot for the past three decades. Nevertheless, the cooperation between the Foundation's Seoul Office and Hanyang University is strong as ever. FNF Korea is proud of its achievements within the past 30 years and wants to thank Hanyang University as well as its many other partners for the trust, cooperation and friendship it has enjoyed since the office was launched.

During his short visit, Mr. Paqué had a tightly packed schedule. He met with many long-term and new partners of FNF Korea, such as the Korea Local Information Research & Development Institute (KLID) and its president Son Yeon-gi plus the Institute for Far Eastern Studies (IFES) of Kyungnam University for a round table discussion about German Unification and European Integration.

Moreover, he signed a new Memorandum of Understanding with Hanyang Foundation's chairman Kim and helt a keynote speech at an international conference on the 4th Industrial Revolution which was co-organized by FNF Korea and the Center for Local Autonomy at Hanyang University.

30th anniversary of the cooperation FNF Korea and Hanyang University