The 4th Industrial Revolution and Our Future Strategy

special lecture by CB

On November 7, 2018 FNF Korea in cooperation with "The Institute for Democracy" (ID) organized a special lecture on the topic of Industry 4.0. Planning to offer a deeper view on the German development on this topic, FNF invited Christian Blobner from the famous Fraunhofer Institute to hold a special presentation.

In the special lecture, Christian Blobner gave an insight view on the "Industrie 4.0 Initiatives in Germany and selected Policy Initiatives. He explain that different to big American companies, the German discussion on Industry 4.0 was initiated by the industry with a technological focus with the goal to ensure international competitiveness of the German Mittelstand. He continued on with explaining the different initiatives the German government and regional governments initiated due to the lack of adoption of Industry 4.0 technology. He elaborated that due to the characteristics of German economy and German mindset this is mostly done by providing examples and standardization. At the end of his presentation he emphasized that Industry 4.0 and digitalization is more than just technology based, but that it forces companies to change the way they conduct their business and tackle the issue holistically.  His presentation was followed by multiple questions from the floor.

FNF Korea and the Institute for Democracy have been co-organizing special lectures on current topics, i.e. industry 4.0 since 2016.

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special lecture by CB2