Annual trip to Japan by the Head of the FNF Korea Office

FNF Korea, Dr. Richter, Japan, Japanese for Tax Reforms, FNF

In early April FNF Korea Head of Office Dr. Lars-André Richter left for his annual trip to Tokyo to maintain the Foundation’s local networks. This year he was invited to two round table discussions hosted by Japanese for Tax Reform and the German Chamber of Commerce and Industry respectively. The focus of both events lay on the current situation on the Korean Peninsula. Furthermore the schedule included meetings with Hans Carl von Werthern, German Ambassador to Japan, with Hon. Hiroe Makiyama, Member of the House of Councilors and Chairwoman of the International Department of the Democratic Party, with representatives of the EU Delegation, Tokyo University, GRIPS (National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies), Japan Research Institute, Fujitsu Research Institute and Tokyo based international media.