FNF Alumni Excursion to Gongju

FNF alumni excursion to Gongju

In late October, the Korea office of Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom (FNF) hosted its traditional annual two-day excursion for FNF’s former scholarship holders. More than twenty people took part. This year the destination was Gong-ju, South Chungcheong Province. About 1500 years ago the city was the capital of Baekje Kingdom. Several sites had been declared as world heritages by the UNESCO in 2015.

After the arrival in Gong-ju the group –about 25 people– participated in a guided city tour,which brought them to the world heritages Gongsanseong Fortress, to the Songsan-ri Tombs as well as to the royal tomb of king Muryeong. Additionally, the group visited the Gongju National Museum. On the second day, the alumni enjoyed the refreshing and energizing atmosphere of the Magok Temple.

Besides all these comprehensive cultural program items, everybody witnessed a seminar about two up-to-date topics: about the current situation at the Korean peninsula and about industry 4.0.

FNF alumni excursion to Gongju

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