FNF Korea travel to North Korea

The Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom traveled to North Korea in late July. It was the first time in 2016. Discussions regarding the international political environment were held with the International Department of the Central Committee of the Worker’s Party of Korea.

Furthermore, FNF Korea met with representatives of the Ministry of Environment. The protection of the environment was a major theme during the 7th Party congress and the talks offered a first insight in the future plans and strategies for environmental protection in North Korea. For a better understanding of their work, the Ministry officials also showed a model tree nursery to FNF Korea.

FNF Korea travel to North Korea

In addition, FNF Korea visited the Museum of the Foundation of the Worker’s Party of Korea as well as the newly opened Science and Technology Centre in Pyongyang. The modern institution is an example of the recently emphasized importance of Science and Technology for the development of the country.

Not only did the FNF Korea held meetings with representatives of the North Korean government but also met with the German Ambassador Thomas Schäfer to discuss the current political situation in East Asia.

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