Industry 4.0 and Smart Industry Complex

- An International Conference by FNF Korea, Hanyang and KICOX -
International Conference on Smart Industry Complex

On November 9, 2018 The Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom Korea Office in cooperation with Hanyang University and the Korea Industry Complex cooperation held an international conference on the topic of Industry 4.0 and Smart Industry Complex.

In front of a full audience at the President Hotel in Seoul Mr. Gyu Yeon Hwang, president of the Korea Industry Complex and Mr. Christian Taaks, Head of FNF Korea, opened the conference. Preceded by the German ambassador to Korea, Stephan Auer, with his special congratulatory address, Mr. Un Kyu Baek, former Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy gave participants a first inside look into the topic by presenting the Challenges and Tasks for the Korean Industry during his keynote speech.

The opening session was followed by guest speakers from Germany and Korea provided information on the German and the Korean situation. While Mr. Christian Blobner from the Fraunhofer Institute and Mr. Helge Knobbe from TÜV SÜD in Korea presented approaches on how to achieve Digitalization and Industry 4.0, Mr. Seung Chel Seo from B&R Industrial Automatization Korea and Mr. Moon Chul Moon from the Korea Industry Complex Corporation showed the audience some concrete plans to overcome the challenges of Industry 4.0. In addition, the discussions, with representatives from the industry and Hanyang University provided participants with the chance to get additional views on the presented topics.

After the final discussion the conference was successfully wrapped up with a reception. FNF Korea is looking forward to more successful cooperations with its partners in the future.

International Conference on Smart Industry Complex Group Picture