International Seminar on Reunification policies in Dresden

International Seminar on Reunification policies in Dresden

In early September, the city of Goyang nearby Seoul, supported by Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom (FNF) and its South Korean partner organization Hanyang University, has organized an international seminar in the Dresden, Germany.

The event's topic has been South-North Korean Unification policy compared to the German situation. The event has been kindly hosted by Mr. Dirk Hilbert, Mayor of the city of Dresden. Among the around 30 participants were also Mr. Sung Choi, Mayor of Goyang city and Dr. Chang Hyun Cho of Hanyang University. Goyang city is situated in the north of Seoul and with its one million inhabitants it is a vibrant hotspot in South Korea. Hanyang University is one of FNFs most relevant and highly estimated partner organizations in South Korea, as its campus is hosting the Korea office of FNF since its foundation in 1987.

On behalf of FNF, Mrs. Anita Maaß - in her capacity as a member of the board of trustees of FNF and as Mayor of the municipality of Lommatzsch near Dresden - has delivered a short welcoming speech.

International Seminar on Reunification policies in Dresden

FNF Korea is also very delighted about the Keynote speech delivered by Dr.Cho Chang Hyun, who is the founding director of the Center for Local Autonomy of Hanyang University which has always been one of FNF Korea’s most highly estimated cooperation partners.

The participants have had a lively exchange of ideas on this controversial, highly current topic. FNF Korea is glad about the ongoing fine cooperation between its South Korean partners and FNF offices in Germany and Korea.

International Seminar on Reunification policies in Dresden

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