Learning Democracy

- Using board games for political education -
Sim Democracy Event

On November 19, 2018 FNF Korea visited the Incheon Youth Center to get a follow-up on the SIM Democracy Project. With great support from the members and volunteers from Play Seed School, 18 1st grade Middle School students got the chance to learn more about the workings of democracies by playing the SIM Democracy board game. The game that was developed by FNF is used all over Asia to help young students understand democracy in a fun and interactive, yet, educative way.

After Dr. Taaks gave a quick welcome speech and thanked the trainers from Play Seed School for their engagement, one of the trainers took it to himself to loosen the situation amongst the already excited students by engaging them in a game of yes and no question about himself and democracy in Korea. With the following animated atmosphere in place the students actively and delightfully participated in playing the game. To further increase the benefits for the students, the event was wrapped up by a short session that allowed them to share their strategies in the game and their personal definition of democracy. Further, they were giving the chance to give their opinion and suggestions on the game to allow further improvement for an even more beneficial experience for the student.

Sim Democracy Event