Smart Cities in South Korea

Smart Cities in South Korea

Enclosing an event with its long-term partner, the Center for Local Autonomy, the Korea office of the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom (FNF) organized a special program for Mr. Jimmy Schulz, former member of German parliament for the Free Democratic Party and expert on the area of cyberpolitics and digitalization.

Accompanied by an FNF team Mr. Schulz had the chance to look behind the scenes of three Korean institutions contributing towards the digital transformation in South Korea. The first visit brought him to the World e-Governance Organization of Cities and Local Governments (WeGO) where he met the organization's Secretary General Dr. Nam Young-sook. 

The second appointment led the group to the Seoul Transport Operation & Information Service (TOPIS) which is responsible for the traffic control within the megacity Seoul. During a guided tour through the control center Mr. Schulz was deeply impressed about the digital professionalism leading to an efficient traffic management of such a huge city.

The last visit took place at the Korea Local Information Research & Development Institute (KLID), which presented on the current projects of the institute which deal with e-Governance specialized on local governments, protection of personal information and security in case of cyber-attacks and data loss. 

Mr. Schulz enjoyed all these appointments very much and was overall impressed about the level of technology and digitalisation in South Korea. He left the country equipped with many new impressions which finally can help to accelerate the digital change in Germany.

Smart Cities in South Korea

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