Smart City Specialist Roundtable for 50+ Generation

fnf korea

Throughout the years, a shift of demand from manufacturing skills towards a more digitalized service-oriented skillset can be witnessed in the industrialized nations. Many problems arise for the citizens, who were at the forefront of the Miracle of the Han River and key players in the rapid economic growth, as they approach their retirement age. Issues of pension, old-age income, and health security arise. What are the role of the smart city and the 50 plus generation and how does it relate to jobs, financial security, and individual fulfillment?

To answer the above questions and challenges of future human cohabitation in an environment of smart city, Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom and the Seoul 50 Plus Foundation, co-organized a smart city specialist roundtable on November 7th at Sewoon Collaboration Support Center, in Seoul.

During the Roundtable, Christian Geiger gave a presentation about the current trends of smart city conceptualization and implementation in Switzerland. In Switzerland, the smart city hub is focused on the idea of knowledge sharing, innovative citizen-centered solutions, and the implementation of green and socially inclusive cities.

Followed by Carlo Capra, who introduced the framework of a smart city, and pointed out the correlation between citizen participation in urban development and complexity of the development and implementation process. Unexpectedly, the more citizens are involved in decision making processes, the less complex the process is. Furthermore, he argued that a clear vision connected to a precise strategy improves the outcome of smart city planning.

The following discussion focused on the best practice examples working with 50+ citizens and the implications of the digital divide. The participants discussed common challenges, shared best practices, and suggested some liberal solutions for the future opportunities and questions of the future urban community in light of the advancement of smart cities.