Sustainable Smart Cities Based on Citizen Engagement

fnf korea

With a rapid urbanization, smart city concepts are emerging as a solution to the challenges associated with the urban concentration. What makes then a successful smart city? How should ICT technologies be harnessed for the benefits of their ultimate users in a smart city?

To address these questions, Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom (FNF) co-organized a session on “Sustainable Smart Cities Based on Citizen Engagement” at Bexco, Busan on Oct. 17, at the occasion of the annual autumn conference of the Ergonomics Society of Korea. The event was held together with Busan IT Industry Promotion Agency (BIPA), Busan Development Institute (BDI), and Busan Center for Creative Economy & Innovation (BCCEI),

During the session, two European living lab experts presented on their best practices respectively at European and national level. Fernando Vilariño, Chairman of the European Network of Living Labs (ENoLL) gave an overview of the European approach for living labs focusing on ENoLL’s recent development, while Yann Bocchi, Professor at University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Western Switzerland introduced cases of the energy living labs and the mobility lab initiatives from Switzerland.

Through the presentations and following discussions, participants could revisit important principles and mechanisms designed to facilitate citizens’ involvement, which is the core element of a successful smart city. Sharing the best practices and experiences in Europe, the participants could also reflect on possible solutions to social and behavioural challenges associated with citizen’s engagement.

fnf korea

Apart from the public session, the two experts and FNF Korea team also had a pleasure to have various meetings and site-visits on smart cities in Busan, which include in particular the visit to BCCEI where Busan’s living labs projects were briefed and a roundtable discussions with local officials in charge of smart city planning in Busan Metropolitan City.   

FNF Korea has been working on smart cities and the 4th industrial revolution for several years now. FNF will continue to organize similar conferences and workshops in the upcoming future.