UPCOMING EVENT: Sustainable Inter-Korean Reconciliation and Cooperation

fnf korea


*Public event, no prior registration needed*

After years and years of growing friction on the Korean Peninsula, the participation of the DPRK in the Winter Olympics 2018, the summitry between Seoul, Pyongyang, Washington and Beijing as well as the agreements between North and South Korea have increased the hopes for a permanent relaxation of the situation. However, these hopes have decreased over the course of the last few months - the denuclearization almost seems unreachable.

In times like these, the German political foundations in South Korea remember the time of Germany's division and how it was overcome. The German foundations in South Korea want to honour this anniversary through an event that shows the work of the German foundations as an example of how cooperation and rapprochement with North Korea might be possible in the future.

We kindly invite you to join our event!

*Date: 27. November 2019, 14:00-17:30
*Venue: Korea Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Seoul (Conference Hall A)
*Simultaneous interpretation in English and Korean will be provided