Workshop in the DPRK on Germany's environmental policies

fnf korea

At the end of July the Korea office of the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom (FNF Korea) visited the DPRK with Johann Köppel, Professor at Technical University Berlin, who conducted a workshop on "Germany's environmental policies and its implementation". More than 60 people attended and Mr. Köppel fostered a very interactive learning environment, encouraging the audience to ask a lot of questions. Mr. Köppel provided a great overview of the most important environmental protection policies, with a special focus on environmental protection measures at the planning stage. The workshop was very successful and a great starting point for numerous future projects. 

Since the beginning of this year, tensions on the peninsula have been reduced and positive changes have been taking place. While many obstacles still have to be overcome, FNF Korea remains hopeful that the situation will further improve. With workshops, capacity development and people to people exchanges, FNF Korea tries to support the current improvement of the situation on the Korean peninsula.