5 Must-Read Articles on Women Empowerment in Politics, Business, and Society

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It is no doubt women have come a long way globally to gain equal rights to their male counterparts in different facets of society. Women have had to struggle a lot more to break glass ceilings and to push society as a whole out of their old ways of thinking to realize the crucial roles women can and do play in helping building democratic systems and sustainable economies.

Yet despite the growing participation of women in politics and various leadership roles in government, business, and society, gaps still exist in both developed and developing countries that need to be addressed. Here are five articles that are noteworthy this week in highlighting some of these gaps, how some countries are closing these gaps in this region, and what is left to be done:   

Should We Focus More on Women’s Political Empowerment When Democracy Goes off the Rails? By Thomas Carothers.

“The point is not just that women’s political empowerment work can be usefully tailored to different political contexts. It is that a focus on women’s political empowerment often connects directly to the central levers of political change that democracy aid providers believe could help countries with problematic transitions get back on a democratic track.”

Hear Her Corner CEO's Advice To Help Women Entrepreneurs Thrive By Anushay Hossain

“But although the number of women joining the startup world is growing, and expected to increase, what can women business-owners do to make their companies grow and succeed? That is the question Frédérique (Fred) Irwin, CEO and Founder of Her Corner, an online platform for women business owners, is determined to help women answer.”

Women Feel Poorly Represented In Business Leadership: Poll by Rachael Boon

“Only 37 per cent of women here think their current employer has clear and enforced policies on gender diversity, equality and inclusion, and 49 per cent felt that their organisations are lacking in the fair and equal representation of female business leaders.”

Views Differ On Leadership Positions for Women, Survey Finds by The Nation

“Further advocating the role of gender diversity in the workplace, two-thirds of women cited the opportunities to network within the business and engage with senior management as the most helpful driver in empowering them to develop their careers.”

Women Can Save Japan by East Asia Forum

“Yet with an ageing and shrinking population Japan desperately needs more women to realise their full work potential and for the fertility rate to increase. Japan’s demographic crunch and rapid ageing mean that the womenomics program — getting more women into the workforce and more productively employed to boost Japan’s economy — is at the top of the policy agenda.”