FNF celebrates with friends its 60th anniversary in Yangon

FNF Myanmar

It has been 60 years for the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom (FNF) in promoting human rights, liberalism and freedom around the world.

We as the FNF Myanmar Office have also celebrated the foundation’s 60th anniversary in Yangon, Myanmar together with friends at the Melia Hotel.

Mr. Moritz Kleine-Brockhoff, Regional Director of FNF South East and East Asia and Mrs. Katrin Bannach, Head of Myanmar and Thailand Programmes, gave remarks at the celebration. Our distinguished guests were partners and friends from INGOs, local organizations and the government included MPs, Falling Walls Lab Myanmar winners, activists for human rights and digitalization.

A panel discussion on digitalization and human rights was held with Mr. Bernd Schlömer (State MP from Germany and expert on Digital Rights), Mr. Nay Phone Latt (MP) andMs. Ei Myat Noe Khin (Phandeeyar).

The highlight of the event was the announcement of the winner of the Digital Courage Award: MIDO (Myanmar ICT for Development Organization). Ms. Phyu Phyu Thi accepted the award on behalf of MIDO with words of acknowledgment also for other actors in this field: “Thank you FNF, for acknowledging us with this award. This award is not only representing us alone but the whole digital rights community as we work together in Myanmar”.