FNF Myanmar invited to meet the Anti-Corruption Commission

FNF Myanmar

TheFNF Myanmar team met with the Anti-Corruption Commission in Nay Pyi Taw on June 8, 2018.

The chairman of the commission, U Aung Kyi, cordially welcomed the team and Daw Myat Myat Soe (Commissioner responsible for International Relations), Daw Lei Lei Thwin (Commissioner responsible for Education) and the Investigator General of the Commission joined the conversation.

The team handed over the "Citizen’s Primer against Corruption" – a book which had been published by FNF Philippines. It is a manual for civic education focused on corruption, which could be created in a similar manner for the Myanmar context – a suggestion which the commission took up with great interest. The commission plans to extend their public engagement efforts and seeks innovative ideas for the educational sector.

According to the commission, most of their round-about 1,000 complaints per month are related to land issues and abuse of administrative power. Only recently formed, the commission has already created quite a stir by their investigations of high-profile politicians and earned public recognition.