German Young Liberals in Myanmar

FNF Myanmar

FNF Myanmar has welcomed members of the Young Liberals Association Germany, Junge Liberale (JuLis). During their visit in September 2018, there were many chances for exchanges with young political activists from different backgrounds in Myanmar.

It was a special time for both sides –  Myanmar’s young political activists shared their experiences with youth participation in the country’s political transition to democracy and the JuLis explained comprehensively how they organize themselves as a separate youth association while being closely affiliated with the Free Democratic Party.

The first meeting organized brought them together with political activists in Yangon.. The conversation was led by their President Ria Schröder, the International Officer Franziska Brandmann and MP (member of state parliament) Moritz Körner. They gave insights to Germany's political situation and their experience in political activities. About 40 participants from different backgrounds attended the conversation.

A second meeting fostered a very interactive exchange as it was a two-day workshop with the youth wings of the SNLD and People’s Party. It was conducted in Mandalay in order to allow for an easier access also for participants from other areas of the country. Political youth organizations, political communication and coalition politics were the focus of the sessions.

Finally, the JuLis met with the NLD Youth and the senior Party members of the People’s Party in Yangon and discussed different ways of including the voices of the youth within the party’s structures.

Our visitors appreciated the welcoming and open atmosphere and the chance to learn a lot about politics in Myanmar!