How to define Fake News ?

I don’t prefer to call it fake news, in fact it is a lie (Sein Win, Journalism Advisor -Internews)
U Sein Win

“I don’t prefer to call it fake news, in fact it is a lie. It is an organized crime. People with special interest made false statement with deliberate intent to deceive. To identify fake news, most important thing is critical thinking. Don’t believe whatever you want to believe. There are a few steps you ought to do for checking. For instance, If you haven’t heard of the news outlet, search online for more information. Check the author, read the article carefully and analyze sources and quotes. Professional journalism is different to fake news. If you have time, you can go for fact checkers.”

“ Fake news used to surface online ahead of big political agenda. In Myanmar we had seen this fake news campaign ahead of Rohingya mass exodus, anti-Muslim riots and some extents ahead of elections. They used social media especially Facebook to spread of disinformation and fake news. Depends on depth of these dirty campaigns, special interest groups took time lighter or thicker.”