What is the Open Hluttaw workshop?


The role of the Hluttaw is most important for a democratic country because the legislative power is held by the  Hluttaw. Moreover, the President and the two Vice-Presidents can be selected by voting system in the Hluttaw according to the 2008 Constitution.

The Friedrich Naumann Foundation (FNF) is working with State and Regional Hluttaws in Myanmar since 2013 to present. One of the activities of FNF Myanmar is providing workshops, trainings with Hluttaws. These are under the Rule of Law Programme, one of FNF Myanmar’s main pillars. Recent examples are: a workshop on “Amendment of Law and drafting”, and a SIM Democracy Game training for Hluttaw representatives for State and Regional Division Hluttaw.


Now, we are starting to provide new workshops for State and Regional Division Hluttaws which are entitled “Open Hluttaw Workshops”. The workshops intend to foster transparency and better communication between Hluttaw representatives and the people.

We invite international experts for this type of workshop to develop short and long term Road Maps with the Hluttaw representatives. During the workshop, Hluttaw representatives discuss openly and develop their short terms plan and long term plan among representatives.

So far we held “Open Hluttaw Workshops” in the Ayeyarwady Regional Division Hluttaw and the Yangon Regional Division Hluttawthis year. 39 representatives including military representatives and  from the Hluttaw Office attended from the Ayeyarwady Regional Division Hluttaw. During the workshop, representatives discussed and developed activities for the future and short term activities. A similar thing took place with th Yangon Regional Hluttaw.


For the above workshop, Mr. Richter, a Germanpolicitican as well as Former Parliament representative from Germany visited and shared his  experiences of a representative, activities, issues and problems facing representatives. In addition, he discussed German political processes, the role of parliament and the role of Myanmar Hluttaw with the participants.

We believe that the representatives raised questions about other countries’ parliaments openly and the workshops were very useful for the Hluttaw and the Hluttaw representatives.  FNF Myanmar will prepare and submit short and longterm Roadmap reports based on the interactive discussions between the representatives for the relevant Hluttaw Speakers.