Global Perspectives on Human Rights in Strasbourg

Sabrina Faraone, who received a scholarship from the Friedrich Naumann Foundation, participated during the months of June and July in the 53rd session of the René Cassin Foundation School in France.
Sabrina Faraone

Diversity and Global Collaboration

Alongside 14 other colleagues from diverse countries, including Peru, South Africa, Zimbabwe, Pakistan, the Philippines, Turkey, Thailand, Bangladesh, Senegal, Argentina, Tunisia, and Lebanon, we engaged in an introduction that allowed us to connect and discuss highly relevant topics such as "Human Rights and Human Dignity," "Enforcing Human Rights," and "Activism and Defending Human Rights." This session was organized by Kristin Jäger and featured Dr. Salim Amin and Charlot Ulrich, who fostered a collaborative and friendly atmosphere throughout the program.

The Summer School at the René Cassin Foundation’s Institute of Human Rights is structured into three modules: International Human Rights Law, International Humanitarian Law, and International Criminal Law, along with various thematic seminars led by specialists. The classes were delivered by prestigious professors from major universities worldwide, many of whom have held high-ranking positions in renowned institutions such as the European Court of Human Rights, the United Nations, and the International Committee of the Red Cross. The quality and depth of the knowledge shared were extraordinary, providing a comprehensive and updated view of the challenges facing human rights today.

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An Educational Legacy in Defense of Freedom

Sending candidates from around the world to train at the prestigious Summer School of the René Cassin Foundation is part of the continuous effort of the Friedrich Naumann Foundation to promote liberal values and human rights globally. Since its creation, the Friedrich Naumann Foundation has been a bastion of liberalism and democracy, supporting numerous educational and training initiatives. The Foundation focuses on promoting individual freedom, human rights, market economy, and liberal democracy, organizing educational programs and events in Latin America, especially in Argentina and Paraguay, to foster liberal thinking and public policies based on freedom.

On the other hand, the René Cassin Foundation, named after the illustrious jurist and co-author of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, is dedicated to promoting and protecting human rights through education and awareness. This foundation has been a cornerstone in human rights education, leading the Summer School in Strasbourg, which this year celebrated its 53rd edition. Over more than half a century, this summer school has brought together students, professionals, and academics from around the world, creating a forum for discussion and learning on critical human rights issues.

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A Unique and Unparalleled Experience

The learning acquired extended beyond academic content. Interaction with colleagues from around the world enriched the experience, allowing me to understand diverse perspectives and realities on defending and promoting human rights. These interactions fostered an environment of collaboration and mutual learning that undoubtedly left a lasting impact on all participants.

The subjects addressed during the sessions are highly relevant in the current context, where human rights are constantly challenged in different regions of the world. Discussing these issues in such a prestigious environment and under the guidance of high-caliber experts made me realize the imperative importance of contributing, from my position, to the defense and promotion of these fundamental rights.

In particular, I was deeply impacted by the chapter on International Criminal Law. The challenges that arise in achieving effectiveness in this field are numerous and complex, which awakened in me a strong desire to deepen my knowledge in this area. My goal is to continue my training in this field to contribute effectively to the fight against impunity and the protection of victims of international crimes.

I want to express my deepest gratitude to the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for trusting me and providing me with this unique opportunity. I am committed to continuing to promote and defend liberal values and human rights, applying the knowledge and experiences gained during this unforgettable Summer School. This experience has been essential in my training, reaffirming my commitment to defending human rights and underscoring the importance of continuous education and active commitment to this cause.