Black Book
The Black Book of Government Waste in Bulgaria 2016

Black Book 2016

The Black Book of wasted taxpayers’ money is now presented in it’s second edition. After the tremendously positive feedback in 2015, the organisations behind this project have decided to continue with this project. There seems to be no shortage of examples where the money that citizens and companies in Bulgaria earn, as well money that comes from Bulgaria’s friends via the European Funds is handled in an improper way. Sometimes it may be carelessness, sometimes not thought through projects, sometimes even corruption, and in the worst case a combination of all three of these attributes can be found in the cases presented.

In order to show a balanced mix, this book is presenting cases from different administrative levels in Bulgaria, as well as from different regions. A total of 15 examples have been researched and compiled by our investigative experts. Broad-ranging from infrastructure via media to hotel businesses, the cases are intended to showcase the variety of problems. In our new category, we are presenting an extended leading case about the Bulgarian railways.



Black Book 2016

This book is intended to be a reminder of why citizen’s scrutiny is crucial and what state spending might result in if it remains unchecked. However, the list of cases is a mere snapshot, a current “best of”, and not intended to be a complete compilation. For this reason, we also have included explanations to highlight the underlying problems that the cases represent and their implications.


Black Book 2016

The organisations responsible for this publication will continue to collect cases and make them public. Still, this effort also requires the citizens of Bulgaria. Therefore, this Black Book is also an offer to work together for a more transparent Bulgaria. A Bulgaria accountable to its citizens.

The Book in available for free download here: Black Book of Government Waste in Bulgaria 2016

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