






Challenges and Opportunities in a Changing World International Conference
International Conference

10 October 2024
15:00 – 18:30 h

dbb forum
Friedrichstraße 169, 10117 Berlin

The year 2024, coined a ‘super election year’, sets a record: roughly half of the world's population, and therefore more than ever before, will be allowed to go to the polls in around 60 countries to elect presidents and parliaments - sometimes more and sometimes less democratically. However, despite these figures, the number of liberal democracies is declining worldwide.

At our conference, international and German experts will discuss the current challenges and threats to democracies based on case studies from across the globe, including the USA, India, South Africa and, last but not least, Germany. We will be taking a close look in particular at young people and the dynamics of their participation in politics and in social causes.

How can the downward trend in democracy be halted and the resilience and attractiveness of democratic systems be strengthened in times of global systemic rivalry?
Which key factors can be identified as causal when analyzing democratic crises? What role do poor governance and socio-economic dissatisfaction play in the erosion of democratic stability?

And how can we succeed in mobilizing young people for democracy and freedom in a world increasingly characterized by digital debate spaces and social polarization?
These are essential questions of our time wich you are cordially invited to discuss with us. I look forward to your participation.

Kind regards,­

­Sabine Leutheusser-Schnarrenberger
Deputy Chair of the Board, Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom



National-Elections 2024


Overview of the conference program

  • Sabine Leutheusser-Schnarrenberger
    Deputy Chair of the Board, Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom; frm. Federal Minister of Justice, Germany

    Keynote – Digital

    The Transformative Power of Democracies in a Changing World

    Prof. Dr. Armin Nassehi
    Professor of General Sociology and Theory of Society, Ludwig Maximilian University Munich, Germany

  • Why Democracies Struggle: Understanding the Global Threats


    Nicola Schmidt

    Executive Director, Democracy Reporting International

    Ghazi Ben Ahmed, PhD
    Mediterranean Development Initiative (MDI), Tunisia

    Nino Kalandadze
    Executive Director, Center for European Studies and Civic Education, Former Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Georgia

    Queenin Masuabi
    Senior Political Reporter, Daily Maverick, South Africa

    Vivian Schiller
    Executive Director, Aspen Digital, USA


    Moderator: Dr. Melinda Crane, Journalist and Political Scientist


    16:45 h – Refreshment Break

  • The Future of Democracy - Youth Engagement in Politics and Society


    Dr. Regina von Görtz
    Director, Democracy and Cohesion, Bertelsmann Foundation

    Franziska Brandmann
    Chairperson, Young Liberals Germany

    Surabhi Hodigere
    Spokesperson, Bharatiya Janata Party, India

    Dimitra Papadopoulou
    Board Member, The European Liberal Youth (LYMEC)

    Dr. Martina Weyrauch
    Director, Center for Civic Education Brandenburg State, Germany

    Moderator: Dr. Melinda Crane, Journalist and Political Scientist

  • Issues in Other Regions of the World

    Siegfried Herzog
    Regional Director Latin America,
    Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom

    Martin Kothé
    Regional Director East- and Southeast Europe,
    Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom


    Networking Reception

  • The event will be simultaneously translated English-German.

    Our Speakers

    • Sabine Leutheusser-Schnarrenberger Deputy Chair of the Board, Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom; frm. Federal Minister of Justice, Germany
    • Prof. Dr. Armin Nassehi Professor of General Sociology and Theory of Society, Ludwig Maximilian University Munich, Germany
    • Nicola Schmidt Executive Director, Democracy Reporting International
    • Ghazi Ben Ahmed, PhD Mediterranean Development Initiative (MDI), Tunisia
    • Nino Kalandadze Executive Director, Center for European Studies and Civic Education, Former Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Georgia
    • Queenin Masuabi Senior Political Reporter, Daily Maverick, South Africa
    • Vivian Schiller Executive Director, Aspen Digital, USA
    • Dr. Regina von Görtz Director, Democracy and Cohesion, Bertelsmann Foundation
    • Franziska Brandmann Chairperson, Young Liberals Germany


      Surabhi Hodigere Spokesperson, Bharatiya Janata Party, India
    • Dimitra Papadopoulou Board Member, The European Liberal Youth (LYMEC)
    • Dr. Martina Weyrauch Director, Center for Civic Education Brandenburg State, Germany
    • Siegfried Herzog Regional Director Latin America, Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom
    • Martin Kothé Regional Director East- and Southeast Europe, Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom
    • Dr. Melinda Crane Journalist and Political Scientist

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