Is There Hope for Journalism in Turkey?

An Interview with Murat Çoban, Journalist in Platform.24
Murat Şevki Çoban - Journalist, Platform.24, Turkey at global media forum

Do I find motivation to continue working as a journalist in Turkey? No, I do not. But, I have to do it. I have no other means. I have no other reason to live really.

Murat Şevki Çoban - Journalist, Platform.24, Turkey
Murat Çoban, Journalist, Platform.24, Turkey

Watch below an interview with Murat Çoban about the press freedom violations in Turkey, what can be done to improve the situation of journalists. Learn more about the goals of Platfrom.24. 

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Turkey has become the biggest prison of journalists in the world with 169 journalists behind bars.

Murat Şevki Çoban - Journalist, Platform.24, Turkey
Murat Çoban, Journalist, Platform.24, Turkey

There is a famous saying in Turkey. It used to be that journalists were criminalized. Now the whole profession of journalism itself is criminalized in Turkey.

Murat Şevki Çoban - Journalist, Platform.24, Turkey
Murat Çoban, Journalist, Platform.24, Turkey

It all comes to solidarity to journalists. If, we, ourselves, journalists can defend our profession, we can have some hope for the future. 

Murat Şevki Çoban - Journalist, Platform.24, Turkey
Murat Çoban, Journalist, Platform.24, Turkey

In the video below the Turkish journalist talks about the role of social media in the polarization of societies. The latter was the topic of a panel discussion, hosted by FNF at the 10th edition of the Global Media Forum in Bonn. Find here a separate article about it with inputs from Turkey, Poland, South Africa and Malaysia. 

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Murat Şevki Çoban: What is the role of (social) media in the polarization of society in Turkey? © FNF Malaysia 

Social media is not the criminal. But it can be a solution. A solution to the very polarization of societies. Even though we see the visual representation of polarization on the social media, it is in fact what is happening in our societies in real life. Why would we blame when it happens on the social? 

Murat Şevki Çoban - Journalist, Platform.24, Turkey at global media forum
Murat Çoban, Journalist, Platform.24, Turkey

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Freedom of the media in Turkey is nonexistent.

Murat Şevki Çoban - Journalist, Platform.24, Turkey at global media forum
Murat Çoban, Journalist, Platform.24, Turkey

Learn more below about the Global Media Forum 2017 and the role of social media in the polarization of societies.