AMIA Terrorist Attack: Thirty Years of Remembrance and Resilience

An analysis of the largest terrorist attack in Argentina's history and its lingering impact on the fight against anti-Semitism and the pursuit of justice.

Memory and justice as pillars in the fight against anti-Semitism. 

© Image: picture-alliance/AP Photo/N. Pisarenko

The Unfinished Quest for Justice

The morning of July 18, 1994 will remain marked in Argentine history. The explosion of a car bomb destroyed the building of the Asociación Mutual Israelita Argentina - AMIA (Argentine Israelite Mutual Association). The AMIA, founded in 1894, is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting the welfare and development of the Jewish community in Argentina and contributing to the development of society. Its tasks include social assistance, education, promotion of Jewish culture and tradition, health services, and employment programs that improve people's quality of life through a job bank. July 18, 1994, thirty years ago and after the terrible terrorist attack, another task was added to its work: keeping alive the memory of the victims of terrorism and the fervent struggle in the search for justice. 

This terrorist act, which killed 85 people and injured more than 300, remains the largest terrorist attack in the country's history. The tragedy not only impacted the victims and their families, but also the entire Argentine society, which is still awaiting justice. In these thirty years, the progress of justice in the case has been slow. The investigations have given rise to countless irregularities, and political intervention has hindered the judicial process. In a landmark ruling issued last month, the Inter-American Court of Human Rights condemned the Argentine State for its failure to act, stating that "it has been the State's own actions that have prevented the victims and their families from knowing the truth of the facts.”

Anti-Semitism remains a latent threat today globally but also in Argentina. The October 7, 2023 attacks against Israel underscore the importance of combating this persistent hatred. The slogan of this year's central remembrance event, organized by AMIA and the DAIA (Delegation of Argentine Israelite Associations), is "Terrorism Continues, So Does Impunity," reflecting a painful and frustrating reality. However, the recent in absentia trial project presented by the Argentinian Government provides renewed hope for the victims and their families, allowing for the trial of former and current Iranian officials involved in the AMIA bombing. This initiative, promoted by the National Executive Branch, led by the President of Argentina, represents a significant step forward after so many years of neglect and failures. In addition, the Government has added Hamas to the list of terrorist organizations, joining Hezbollah, an organization accused by the Argentine Justice of having committed the attack against AMIA and member of that list since 2019.

The role of Civil Society in Argentina


The victims' families demand justice for the events of July 18, 1994. 

© Image: Bernardino Avila

The FACA (Argentine Forum Against Antisemitism) was created after the October 7, 2023 attacks in Israel with the aim of raising awareness of antisemitism in Argentina, defending the right of the State of Israel to exist and defend itself, and fighting antisemitism and anti-Zionism. This forum was promoted by three Argentinian influential women: Congresswoman Sabrina Ajmechet, former Congresswoman Laura Alonso and Argentine-Venezuelan lawyer Elisa Trotta. Since its creation, FACA has organized a series of activities to promote these objectives. The Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom in Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay has supported these initiatives, showing solidarity with the cause. In a recent talk, Dr. Carlos Mahiques, who drafted the ruling that sentenced Iran as a terrorist state for Argentina, provided a historical and legal perspective related to the AMIA and Israeli Embassy bombings. This event was attended by Dr. Hans-Dieter Holtzmann, Project Director, and Nadia Barrozo, Project Coordinator, who actively participated in the meeting.


Since October 2023 after the attack on Israel, and with it, on the West, the danger is latent. Not only for Israel and the Jewish people, but also for Western values that guarantee freedom, plurality, diversity and tolerance.

Lucía Díaz Coll

Freedom and Respect as Insignia

Julio Menajovsky

Julio Menajovsky was one of the first photojournalists to arrive at AMIA.

© Image: Julio Menajovsky

It is crucial to understand that anti-Semitism is not just a problem of the past, but an ongoing threat to the principles of equality and mutual respect. We must recognize and confront this evil with courage and determination. Cultural and religious diversity enriches our society, and celebrating our differences strengthens us as a nation and as individuals. Each of us has a moral responsibility to educate ourselves, challenge stereotypes, and promote inclusion in our communities.

Liberal values, such as freedom, plurality, diversity and tolerance, are essential to building a just and equitable society. In memory of the victims of the AMIA bombing, we reaffirm our commitment to truth, justice and respect for human rights. We will never forget. As we commemorate the 30th anniversary of this tragic attack, we remember the victims with deep sadness and respect. We honor their memory with an unwavering commitment to justice and the clarification of the facts. It is imperative that we never forget, that we keep alive the memory of those who lost their lives, and that we continue to strive for a world where hatred and intolerance have no place.

Since October 2023 after the attack on Israel, and with it, on the West, the danger is latent. Not only for Israel and the Jewish people, but also for Western values that guarantee freedom, plurality, diversity and tolerance. The world has changed for all of us who trust in democracy as the only acceptable political form. Today, July 18, 2024, another anniversary of the tragic events in 1994, let us raise our voices together against terrorism and in defense of freedom.