Open Society
Launch of Partners in Climate Project in Egypt


Some 28 parliamentarians and senior members of political parties and NGOs participated in the workshop on Energy Efficiency of the project “Partners in Climate” which was held on July 27 and 28, 2021 in cooperation with the Egyptian Youth Council for Development (EYCD).

The project aims to set a national agenda by civil society and political parties to deal with climate change, which will be presented to decision makers and legislators. Strengthening and networking of environment committees of political parties and civil society organizations to deal with climate change issues. Developing a vision on reducing risks, improving the ability to deal and adapt to climate change and to promoting economic diversity and enhancing investment incentives for environmentally friendly projects and contributing to the promotion of societal awareness on climate change issues.

Working groups

The workshop tackled several issues among them, the legal and organizational frame regarding the renewable energy and energy efficiency, the international and regional experiences on usage of clean energy to adapt with the climate change and techniques and solutions to enhance the energy efficiency.

By the end of the workshop, the participants conducted national agenda on energy efficiency to adapt with the climate change that will be an integrated part of the comprehensive national agenda, which will be issued in the end of the project. 

national agenda
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