Animate Europe
Animate Europe - Animated Short Films

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In 2013, we launched our biannual international comic competition Animate Europe. Throughout the past four editions we have asked comic artists and graphic novelists from all over the world to share with us their ideas about Europe. Its overwhelming success is a clear sign that artists have fascinating visions to share. In the form of comic books, exhibitions and via the world wide web, our comics travel through Europe and overseas. They spark discussions and inspire people to get involved with Europe.

In 2021, our fifth “Animate Europe” competition round sets out to collect more exciting stories. This year’s topic is “Restart! – The streets of Europe”. Let’s press Restart and see what happens! It takes us back to where it all begins: the public. Let’s focus on European citizens, their realities, their priorities. The things they cherish, the things they despise. Their biggest fears and wildest hopes. What kind of restart would they stand up for? Which face, which vision of Europe do they represent?

Let’s create discussions about Europe! Why Europe? We believe in a unified Europe and the potential of the European Union for freedom and peace. Europe is more than just the European Union. Europe represents peace, democracy, human rights and freedom.

All winner comics of our past comic competitions are now available as animated short films!


Seeing the Bigger Picture - Animate Europe 2019 Winner David Shaw

The animation "Seeing the bigger picture", adapted from the graphic novel by David Shaw (2019), addresses the Northern Ireland conflict and the EU peace process while telling the story of a homosexual couple. Hereby, David Shaw meets the political situation in Northern Ireland, which has once again become a sad reality with Brexit and the violent conflict in Londonderry.

The animation is also available in German and French.

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The Old Lady Gives No Answer - Animate Europe Winner 2017 Magdalena Kaszuba

“What can I do for Europe?” “How can we personally contribute to society?” We are not the only ones asking these kinds of questions. The protagonist of the animation of the comic by Magdalena Kaszuba is also seeking answers on these questions.

The animation is also available in German and French.

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The Union - Animate Europe Winner 2015 Nicole Krcmar

Nicole Krcmar draws a dark vision of the future: The EU risks to break apart into North and South. Some hope remains that the states will reconcile again. However, could this grim vision of our society become reality?

The animation is also available in German and French.

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Erasmus and the Seal - Animate Europe Winner 2013 Marco Tabilio

A seal discusses Europe! Its views inspire the work of Erasmus during a lively discussion inside the belly of a whale.

The animation is also available in German and French.

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