Animate Europe
Debunking Disinformation

Check your facts the Animate Europe way! Debunking Disinformation: A Comic Book Toolbox is a new publication project that dives into common forms of disinformation – otherwise known as “fake news” – and takes us on a ride to discover its mechanisms and get a sense for its consequences, for us as individuals, for our democracies, and for a clear-headed global society.
Communicating the complexity of disinformation can be challenging. But it wouldn’t be Animate Europe if our artists weren’t up for the challenge, demonstrating once again the power of comics. They harmonize worlds of visual imagination with the reality of a complex quest for truth. These comics engage readers with an approach that feels both personal and public. It dares them to think, laugh, get goosebumps, recheck their own habits, and take action.
Debunking Disinformation – A Comic Book Tool Box will shortly be available as a printed folding album. Contact our programme coordinator Charlot Uhrig for free copies!
To share or not to share? The source matters

Bruno Cordoba – The Fight
The flip side of personality tests

Jordana Globerman – The Test
The future of our faces: Deepfakes

Štěpánka Jislová – Vote for me
What you click is what you get – Filterbubbles

Noëlle Kröger – The Filterbubblegame
“Alternative” realities: Conspiracy theories

Marco Tabilio – Floating Fakes