Bui Thi Suu

In Vietnam, a country with a growing manufacturing industry and almost 50% of the employees being female, gender discrimination is still a tremendous issue. Business executive Bui Thi Suu implemented a mechanism in her company that hires and rewards women based on their credentials, preventing discrimination because of their gender.
Ms. Suu started as an accountant at Hoa Binh Co., Ltd., a construction materials trading company before becoming their director in 2004. She now heads all of its 14 branches, bearing responsibility for over 250 employees.
She also works as Chairwoman of the Businesswomen Union in Yen Bai Province where she organizes knowledge and best practice exchanges, as well as capacity building and training for entrepreneurs.
Ms. Suu also founded the Thien Nguyen Thien Tam Charity Union, offering social and financial support to poor household, medical patients, children with disabilities, and disaster victims in Yen Ba.
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