FNF Greece and Cyprus: We are the #freedomfighters

The Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom, founded in the 1950s, is the largest liberal political foundation in Europe, with more than 60 offices and 200 employees worldwide.
In Greece, the Foundation operated for the first time in the 90s, supporting dozens of liberal initiatives and organizations, shaping the vibrant liberal network active in the country
After a short period of absence, the Greek office resumed its operations in 2012, during a difficult period for Greek-German relations, the economy, and the society, contributing to the promotion of open dialogue, strengthening Civil Society, and supporting liberal actors in the country.
In 2021, the Greece office "grew" as it is now also responsible for Cyprus.
In 2022, we completed 10 years of reopening, with numerous collaborations, supporting liberal initiatives and personalities in the Greek space and empowering women and the new generation.
But what are we as #freedomfighters really doing?
At the Friedrich Naumann Foundation we work for Freedom:
- Freedom of Expression
- Freedom of press
- Freedom of the Media
We support programs that promote equality:
- Empowerment of Women
- MeToo Greece
- Leadership Academies for Women
We invest in entrepreneurship initiatives and innovation:
- Entrepreneurship Academies
- Entrepreneurship Awards
- Trainings for new Start-ups
We educate young future leaders and invest in active and informed citizens:
- Conferences
- Academies
- Education
We bring together communities with differences and many commonalities, promoting intercultural dialogue, democracy, and peace:
- Issues That Matter: Greek and Turkish Dialogue Podcast Series
- Cross-border Journalism
- Strengthening bonds between alienated nations: Greece, North Macedonia, Bulgaria
Having completed 10 years of dynamic presence, we continue to fight for freedom in Greece and Cyprus.
If you also believe in Freedom, join our network!