Countdown to Christmas
10 - Limited Government

IAF - 10
  • It is a fundamental belief of all liberals that the power of the state to exercise coercion over its citizens must be strictly limited. The question of the extent to which state coercion is justified should be answered on the basis of clear criteria.
  • In the history of liberal thought, the protection of life, bodily integrity and property of citizens is the essential task of all government action. All interventions beyond this must be assessed with great skepticism.
  • Instruments for the limitation of state action and, in particular, state arbitrariness and despotism are, above all, the rule of law and the separation of powers. In addition, there is the decentralization of political decisions, transparency and democratic control over political actors.

Gift Idea

IAF - Mill Gift Idea

The quote on the T-shirt is from John Stuart Mill's seminal work "On Liberty". Unlike many other gifts, the T-shirt also has a practical use: It dresses every liberal and freedom fighter well. It is especially effective to wear the gift during political confrontations with statists, who support the nanny state and drastic intrusions into privacy and individual choices.

Sascha Tamm