#13 Talking about Entrepreneurship

IAF - #13 Talking about Entrepreneurship

After finishing a 12 day seminar at the IAF that has looked into entrepreneurship with more than 25 participants from all around the world and we will discuss why entrepreneurship in general matters, what we have learned throughout the seminar about entrepreneurship in specific countries. And then thirdly, what policymakers can do to boost and accelerate entrepreneurship in their respective countries.

In this episode of IAF TALK we going to meet Jyoti Sachavirawong and Julian Kirchherr.

Julian works as a manager in the consulting industry. He is also associated with Utrecht University in the Netherlands where he works as a researcher, and in both of these jobs he does a lot of work together with start-ups but also with policymakers to boost entrepreneurship. So this is very much a topic he is very passionate about.

Jyoti is a business consultant, and I has been working on advising companies on how they can enter a market. She provides advice on marketing and communication strategy. But prior to that, she was fortunate enough to have had spent several years in the liberal family working with the Friedrich Naumann Foundation office initially in Malaysia, working on women empowerment issues, and subsequently moving on to work at the regional level on economic freedom and human rights.

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Promoting Entrepreneurship and Open Market

Promoting Entrepreneurship and Open Market

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Open Markets and Entrepreneurship

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'Promoting Entrepreneurship and Open Markets'

'Promoting Entrepreneurship and Open Markets'

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