Countdown to Christmas
2 - Globalization

IAF - 2
  • The interdependence of the world’s economies, cultures, and populations has grown dramatically in recent decades. This process -called globalization – is characterized by intensive cross-border exchange of goods, services, capital and information.
  • Globalization has brought unprecedented increases in prosperity to people all over the world. This is also and especially true for the lower income strata. It has also given many people new perspectives - not only in material terms, but also in terms of education, creativity and networking.
  • For globalization to realize its full potential for the development of all people, it must take place within clear rules committed to freedom, property and self-determination.

Gift Idea

2 - Globalisation Gift Idea

Containers are an extremely widespread symbol of worldwide trade and globalization. Their standardized dimensions have contributed to huge gains in efficiency and thus prosperity. At the same time they are very versatile and mysterious - you can't tell what they contain from the outside. This makes them suitable for gifts of all kinds - but they can also decorate any room alone.

Sascha Tamm

Globalization is good – Documentary by Johan Norberg from 2003

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"The world is an unequal and unjust place, in which some are born into wealth and some into hunger and misery. To explore why, in this controversial Channel Four documentary the young Swedish writer Johan Norberg takes the viewers on a journey to Taiwan, Vietnam, Kenya and Brussels to see the impact of globalisation, and the consequences of its absence. It makes the case that the problem in the world is not too much capitalism, globalisation and multinationals, but too little."