#4 Talking about Campaigning

Campaigning is a core function of any political party. It is the way through which parties connect with voters to garner enough support to get into government, and to ultimately implement its vision for a better future. Often the lack of a proper campaign structure and operation stands in the way of a party being able to turn its vision into votes.
With the rise of the internet, big data and social media, traditional campaign methods have undergone radical change making it easier to communicate instantly with millions of potential voters. And yet, many liberal political parties across the world struggle to connect with voters in a world that is more connected than ever before. Furthermore, the prevalence of right-wing parties and increased populism across the political spectrum begs the question, how are progressive and liberal parties to respond to this change in a way that makes the world freer and respects the interest of the individual.
In this episode of IAF TALK we're meeting Jonathan Moakes, political administrator and strategist, and Warwick Chapman, technologist and executive director, both from South Africa and both highly experienced with managing campaigns, strategies and tools.
Hosted by Clinton du Preez, who himself was appointed the Deputy National Campaign Manager for Training for the Democartic Alliance’s 2019 general election campaign and after which he returned to be the Acting Director of the Development and Learning Department.
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